
Jan Gracey
Jan is an interesting and dynamic lady. She was a very experienced senior school teacher in UK but wanted to do some VSO. Her original short VSO contract extended as she became more involved and has now been in Cambodia for about four years. She is now part of the local scenery and speaks pretty good Khmer.

                          Jan and some young trainee teachers.

Jan has a colleague/ assistant/ teacher/ artist/ all round excellent guy called Samuth. He assists her and is great at the practical stuff like getting gates made, rolling up his sleeves and motivating people. He is in his early thirties, very bright, speaks and writes amazing English. He and his art were discovered by a lecturer at the Royal University of Fine Art, Phnom Penh,  where he was offered a place and graduated. As well as being Jan's assistant he teaches English at lunchtimes and art at the weekends at a school run by the French NGO Enfants du Mekong. When Jan received a medal from the provincial governor as a thankyou for her work they gave the governor one of Samuth's paintings.

                  Samuth doing some building work at a local school

Nick Lane
I'm the guy writing this and I was lucky enough to visit Cambodia last Spring and have set up Sisophonic with my son. I have an internet shoe retail business called Shoegarden based in the UK.

                                            This is us.